Soul Pass

Read all about the Soul Pass

A Soul Pass is a free mint that takes two Souls to mint. You can either mint or buy a Soul Pass on OpenSea. Be sure to check if your Soul was already used to mint a Soul Pass below:

A Soul Pass gets you two things:

  1. Allows you to mint a Ghoul. Once a Soul Pass has been used for a Ghoul, it cannot be used for a Ghoul again.

  2. Access to an IRL Unisocks-type item (TBA). Even if your Soul Pass was used for a Ghoul, it can still be used for this drop.

Check to see if a Soul was already used for the Soul Pass before you buy the Soul:

Step 1: Visit the website, which will automatically load all of your Souls

Step 2: Hit the Check button to open the below screen:

Step 3: Input the TOKEN ID of the Soul and hit Check if Soul Pass was claimed for Ghoul (remember to check both Souls (2 SOULS = 1 SOUL PASS):

Step 4: If both Souls have not been claimed, click Soul Pass, select both Souls, and then click the Soul Pass which brings up the MetaMask transaction to mint:

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